Welcome to my A2 media blog

Welcome to my A2 media blog.
My name is Gavin Fraser (0245). I am part of Group 1 along with Alice Cahill (0130), Kayvon Nabijou (0610) and Mahalia John (0345).

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Music Video


Album Digipak // Top-left to bottom-right: inside back, inside front, back cover, front cover


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Tuesday 9 December 2014

Music Video - Audience Feedback - Second Cut

After finishing our second cut, we asked lots of members of our target audience what they thought about the video. Some were our fellow media students and some were just people we knew that weren't fully aware of all the technical processes behind the music video. This meant we got a good range of feedback. We encouraged people to be as critical as they wanted to be so that we could iron out any flaws that we may have missed. Generally the feedback that we got from other media students was more technical and they also tended to be more critical and pick out smaller, more subtle flaws. People who don't study media tended to comment more on the video as a whole and how it looked or made them feel. We also asked our teacher for some advice and got some really good feedback.

I asked a fellow media student what he thought about the video and recorded his response
In terms of general feedback, people seemed to really like the video overall. People commented on the colours we used and said they felt a connection with the band. They also thought the video was really fun and worked well with the song. Non-media students didn't really seem to have any complaints about the video which was reassuring. Somebody did comment on the two shots of me and Alice in 3D glasses, saying they thought it looked a bit weird. We had already noticed this in our group but hearing it from a member of our target audience confirmed that it was a problem that we needed to address. The picture below is a scan of some of the quick notes that I took down while asking them about the video.

We talked to our teacher about the changes we were going to make and then she watched the video through. She pointed out that, without the two MCUs of me and Alice wearing the 3D glasses, there would be no more close-ups of us after the first couple at the start. We took this on board and made a note to add more MCUs of me and Alice throughout the video.
In terms of more technical advice, there wasn't really much to say. There were a couple of points where the video was a little slow or a shot lingered a bit too long but nothing major at all. People also said that they liked the grading and that it made the colours look really nice and were pretty shocked when we told them that the video wasn't graded yet. This was obviously a good sign. Overall we were pleased with the feedback we got, which was mostly positive, and took on board everything that people said.

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