Welcome to my A2 media blog

Welcome to my A2 media blog.
My name is Gavin Fraser (0245). I am part of Group 1 along with Alice Cahill (0130), Kayvon Nabijou (0610) and Mahalia John (0345).

You can navigate my blog using the right hand side column where you will find:
Some information about me
My post labels including 'A2 Production', 'A2 Prelim' and 'A2 Research and Planning'
A live link to The Latymer School Music Video Blog
The blog archive of all my posts

Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog.

Music Video


Album Digipak // Top-left to bottom-right: inside back, inside front, back cover, front cover


Click Image to open Pilgrim's website in a new tab

Sunday 9 November 2014

Studio Schedule

There are 5 groups using the studio. This obviously means that it has to be shared throughout the project. A schedule, (shown below), was made to allocate time in the studio for each group.
It was difficult to find free time in our schedules that we all shared within the group as we all do different subjects and Kayvon and Mahalia do quite a few activities outside school. We mostly fitted the schedule around free periods that we share and media lessons.
We are shown in blue. We have some good lenghty slots. In particular, the Saturday slot is very useful because we have lots of time and are all there for the entirity of the shoot as opposed to some other slots where one of the group members are missing for some of the allocated time. We have planned our shoots so that we get group shots done in slots where we are all present, (such as the band performance shots), and individual shots done in the slots where some people are missing, (such as the MCUs of the individual band members).

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