Welcome to my A2 media blog

Welcome to my A2 media blog.
My name is Gavin Fraser (0245). I am part of Group 1 along with Alice Cahill (0130), Kayvon Nabijou (0610) and Mahalia John (0345).

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Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog.

Music Video


Album Digipak // Top-left to bottom-right: inside back, inside front, back cover, front cover


Click Image to open Pilgrim's website in a new tab

Sunday 23 November 2014

Fifth Shoot: Thursday 20th November

This was probably our most productive shoot to date. We had the studio from 1:30 until 9:30, meaning we had hours to get plenty of shots done. We aimed to finish all of the prop shots in this time. We made a shot list with a list of all the props we would need as well as a list of other shots that we could film if we had time. We put the shots in order of their lighting setups to save time as we realised it is much quicker to move the camera and rearrange the set than to reposition the lights and we wanted to use our slot as efficiently as possible. This system worked well, especially as most of the shots simply required an empty set, meaning it took very little time to prepare for each shot. We also left plenty of time to finish making the popcorn box and to eat as we felt we needed a proper break since 8 hours is a very long time to be working in the studio. 
Overall I think we were very efficient and productive during this shoot. Despite the long hours, it wasn't too tiring and we got some really good footage that looks great and works well with the rest of the video. It was also very fun as we got to destroy some VHS tapes and mess around with skateboards and a pogo stick. In general, everyone was relaxed and happy and we all worked together well with everyone contributing and enjoying the shoot.
Kayvon creating the design for the popcorn box

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