Welcome to my A2 media blog

Welcome to my A2 media blog.
My name is Gavin Fraser (0245). I am part of Group 1 along with Alice Cahill (0130), Kayvon Nabijou (0610) and Mahalia John (0345).

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Music Video


Album Digipak // Top-left to bottom-right: inside back, inside front, back cover, front cover


Click Image to open Pilgrim's website in a new tab

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Our Track

This is the song that we decided to use for our music video for the following reasons:
  • It is a very typical indie song. It's upbeat and light-hearted and we feel that we can make a video that suits the mood of it.
  • The instruments in the song are very typical. There are guitars, a bass guitar, a drum kit and, obviously, a singer. These are all things that we have access to so this will be very useful for making the video believable and successful.
  • The lyrics are about youth and nostalgia. We are all young so we suit the lyrics well. There is also a strong theme of friendship and fun. We all get along well in our group so we feel that we can get this across well when shooting the video because we will all be having a good time and enjoying it, making it believable in the video.
  • The song has a good progression from the opening to the verses, the choruses, the bridge and the final outro section. We can use this to aid the progression of our video.
  • Personally, I have known this song for a long time already and enjoy it. This means I won't get tired of it and the fact that I enjoy the song should make me more enthusiastic about the whole process. 
We decided that we wanted an indie song and so we brainstormed individually and each came up with a few suggestions. We then met up and narrowed it down to four songs. These are the other three that didn't get chosen:

It was very difficult to choose between these songs because they all suited the mood that we are going for and they're all good songs. However, in the end, we felt that the Dog Is Dead song would work best. We also liked the strong themes of friendship and felt that we could use it to our advantage. The other three songs were more focussed on the lead singer than on the band as a whole.

The Band - Dog Is Dead

The band that wrote our track are called Dog Is Dead. They are a 5-piece band from Nottingham that have released 1 album and 3 EPs since their formation in 2009. They have played at many UK festivals such as Reading and Glastonbury and have been played on Radio 1 and Radio 6 Music.

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