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Welcome to my A2 media blog.
My name is Gavin Fraser (0245). I am part of Group 1 along with Alice Cahill (0130), Kayvon Nabijou (0610) and Mahalia John (0345).

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Music Video


Album Digipak // Top-left to bottom-right: inside back, inside front, back cover, front cover


Click Image to open Pilgrim's website in a new tab

Thursday 11 September 2014

My Ideas So Far

I have a few ideas in my head at the moment for my video. I have a rough narrative as well as some visual ideas and styles. As for the song, I have narrowed it down to 6 possibilities from an original list of almost 30.

The video starts with a brief clip before the song starts to establish the narrative. The band are in the studio filming a music video. They are arguing with the director over the fact that he wants the video to be shot in black and white. They want it to be exciting and have vibrant colours but he wants them to be bored and go for a 'cool' look.
They start to film the video. There are shots from the director's video of each of the band members as well as some behind-the-scenes shots of the director looking concerned and the band getting annoyed. Meanwhile, we are introduced to two figures in balaclavas. They are dressed in black, wearing backpacks and carrying buckets of paint.
As the song progresses through the first 2 verses and choruses, we cut between the band looking annoyed and arguing with the director and the two men breaking into a building and running through corridors. The shots of the men will be in slow motion while the shots of the band will be a mixture or normal shots and slow motion shots.
The song reaches the bridge and starts to get quieter and break down a bit. As this happens, the band start to put their instruments down and walk off the set in anger. All of a sudden the two men burst in through the door of the studio. Everyone looks round in shock. Just as the song explodes into the final chorus or guitar solo, the masked man throws paint all over the lead singer. He is shocked but smiling. The crew start to run off and the director looks worried. As the song plays through the last chorus, the men continue to throw paint while the band look excited. There will be a few shots of the band members playing their instruments while the set is being bathed in colour. The director gets covered in paint and the video finished with a long shot of the set as the men run away and the band put their instruments down.

Visual Style
Overall I want the video to look very smooth and flowing. The slow-motion of the men shots should also contrast the shots of the band in their pace and their look as the set will be brightly lit and the corridors that the men run down will be dim with long shadows being cast by the ceiling lights.
I want the 'proper' shots, (what the director is filming), of the band in the first half of the video to be black and white and the shots of the men to have high contrast and dark colours to give a shady look. The 'behind-the-scenes' shots of the band can be in colour but still very desaturated.
Once the men burst into the studio, the grading will change. I would like the paint to stand out from the rest of the shot. My idea is to grade each shot so that the paint stands out and the background remains desaturated or black and white. Each of the shots are graded differently so that the paint looks really vibrant compared to the dull background. By the end of the video, the set will be covered in all these colours and the video will look really vibrant and colourful.
I was also thinking about messing around with greenscreens like in the iPod advert and the 'My Girls' video (see my inspirations post). I had the idea to have the paint being thrown as a seperate texture layer. The background could be one texture or colour, the masked man throwing the paint could be another and the paint would be the main part of the shot and would have its own texture or distinct look. I realise that this would be difficult and that it doesn't really fit with the rest of the video but it's not something that I want to completely rule out.

Song Choice

This song has so much energy and is one of my favourites. I think it would give the video a really grungy and punchy feeling because it's quite heavy. It also breaks down well for the bridge and would fit well with the narrative. It's also a good length. Three minutes is enough time to properly introduce and tell the story but not so long that it is dragged out.

Again, this song has lots of energy which is something that is important for my idea. It's catchy and pretty well-known which will instantly make the video more likeable. It's a good length and it has a good breakdown, coming back in for the final chorus with a tonne of energy and excitement.

This video is a bit more laid back than the others. It has a strong beat which could be used for jump cutting (as it is in the official video). Overall I think this song would give the video a different feel. The dark shots wouldn't be as dark and the band would be a bit calmer. I really think it suits slow motion too and overall the video would be more light-hearted. The bridge doesn't break down as much as the others but there is still a definitive moment when the first bucket of paint could be thrown and the song could fade out nicely back into the diegetic sound of the studio and the band laughing. Overall I think this song is a strong contender, especially if I decide against the really intense feel overall that could be achieved with some of the other songs.

This song is really heavy-hitting and would give the video a lot of energy if that is what I want to achieve. It's not too long and really builds up a lot at the end which would be great for the video as paint is getting thrown everywhere. Again, there is a specific point where the paint could start to be thrown (1:58) and overall I can easily picture my video with this song.

I love how this song changes pace a lot from the heavy choruses to the silences in the verses. It has a really punchy beat that could be used for jump cutting and the overall mood of the song is really cool and quite unique. I also really love how the guitar solo screeches in after a brief silence and I think it would be the perfect time for the first paint bucket to be thrown. Finally, it isn't too long and isn't massively well-known so I think it would be a really good choice for the video.

This song is more fun than the others. It is a bit short so the narrative may be rushed but I think it has potential. It would give the video a different feel to the other songs and the men in balaclavas wouldn't seem anywhere near as intimidating as they may with some of the other songs. Also, there isn't really a proper break between the bridge and the last chorus. I'd say this song is one of the weakest choices but I won't rule it out because my group may not want to go for a heavy song and this is a nice alternative.

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